Tag Archives: Bookbub

#BookBub Featured Deal – final analysis

I fully admit to having had my heart in my mouth when I hit ‘send’ on the payment for this deal. It was a LOT of money, $704, to be precise. I also admit that despite applying for a Featured Deal several times a year for several years, I still dithered about accepting it when […]

#BookBub Featured Deal – interim report

My BookBub Featured Deal went live across the world yesterday. It’s always a little tricky following the numbers really closely, courtesy of the time differences. Here in the UK things got going a little earlier than in the US, and a few sales trickled in, one or two at a time. Once the US woke […]

The Holy Grail of Book Advertising

OMG! After years of applying, I FINALLY SCORED AN ALL-REGIONS BOOKBUB!!! If you have no idea what I’m talking about, let me explain. Inclusion in the BookBub Featured Deals newsletter is the Holy Grail of book advertising. Actually getting one is roughly as difficult as getting a publisher. You can make your own BB ads […]

BookBub, #FREE #SFF reads, #WIN a $25 gift card, and my WIP. An eclectic post!

In the lead up to Christmas, and with the exciting news that I have a BOOKBUB feature again over the holiday period (see what it did for me last year), I’ve joined up with a group of fellow SF and fantasy authors to offer free taster books and stories, along with the chance to win […]

How I sold 1,000 books over the holidays #marketing #bestseller

Here is my promised share of how I sold 1000 books and became a bestseller (in Canada and Australia, at any rate) over the 10 days of the Christmas/New Year holiday. Settle in, folks, this is going to be a long post. First up, what I did was nothing ground breaking, just plain old advertising […]

BookBub Explained

Originally posted on Nancy's Notes From Florida:
BookBub is a popular reader subscriber service where you can promote your book for a fee. They have four million subscribers. Its readers are 84% women, the majority over 40 years old. 37% are retired. 58% are empty-nesters. 59% read four or more books per month. The…