Category British Fantasy Convention 2014

Kings and Peasants – a few thoughts on class in fantasy novels – #Loncon3 & #BFC

Kings and peasants in fantasy This seems to be quite a popular subject of the moment, and I attended panels at both Loncon3 and at the British Fantasy Convention a month later, tackling the same subject – namely, why do so many people write about royalty, and not about ordinary folk. Of course, there are (great) novels […]

Charlaine Harris, GOH at the Bristish Fantasy Convention 2014 #BFC

Charlaine Harris Guest of Honour, in conversation The first thing that strikes you about Charlaine Harris is that, like many of the characters she writes, she is larger than life. With a terrific sense of humour and a great dose of common sense, she is a lady worth listening to. It was just a pity […]