#BookReview: THE FERRYMAN AND THE SEA WITCH by D. Wallace Peach #fantasy

In the midst of all the craziness going on around here: the building work, finishing up the climax of The Five Kingdom’s series, writing the outline for my commissioned equestrian book, getting annual accounts done super early to see if I am eligible for the government’s final COVID pay out, checking over the proofs for the anthology that includes a chapter of mine on horses in fantasy settings – I’ll put out details once it releases – oh, and working full time. Lets not forget work! I DID manage to read a book!

And what a great book. Here’s my review.

The Ferryman and the Sea Witch by D. Wallace Peach

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was ensnared by the sample, intrigued by the concept of the merrow – a cross between mermaids and sirens with gloriously alien motivations and the ability to control weather and water.
As a young man, Callum witnesses the cruel death of a merrow captured in the nets of the vessel he serves on. He makes an attempt to save the creature, but too late to succeed. His effort is rewarded in part when the sea-witch, mother of the victim, spares him when she sinks every ship on the deep and drowns all bar him.
Until the sea-witch is offered royal blood in return for her daughter’s murder, only Callum’s ship is permitted to sail across the deep, and at the expense of one human sacrifice each trip. And so Callum becomes the Ferryman, an uneasy go-between for the rulers of two cities on opposite sides of the deep, one the capital of a bounteous land, the other a collection of derelict ships linked together for survival and ruled by a treacherous queen.
The world building of this novel is simply fabulous. Although we only see a tiny portion of the world, what we do see has such depth of detail—culture, ecology, commerce, survival, and politics blend and clash in all the right places to make the cities and their inhabitants so real you have no doubt they could exist. The merrow are a fantastic concept: beautiful, alien, and mysterious, and yet also totally believable.
Characters are rarely what they seem, all with secrets to hide that come out at various inconvenient (to them, not the plot) moments to mix up and heighten the tensions when the situation comes to a head and things turn murderous as the two rulers vie to overthrow each other, with Callum caught in the middle.
Exquisite descriptions fill the pages of this entrancing tale that I cannot recommend highly enough.

View all my reviews


  1. I have this one waiting on my Kindle, Debby, and I can’t wait to read it. I love Diana’s books, and I’m thinking this one will be no exception. Great review! Now, I’m even more eager to get started on it, if things just slow down a bit around here. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your thoughts. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I know you’ll enjoy it Marcia, once life (and COVID) gives you a break.

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      1. I know I will, too, Debby. In fact, if Mark gets well soon and I don’t catch it, too, I’ll be enjoying pretty much everything again. 😀 ❤

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    2. Thank you for commenting on Deborah’s wonderful review, Marcia. I’m so glad this book is waiting in the wings on your kindle. Did I read the comments right about covid in your family. Wishing Mark a full recovery and that you are safe and healthy. What a troubling time. Be well, my friend. ❤ Hugs.

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      1. You read correctly, Diana. Mark tested positive for COVID Saturday morning, but has, so far, felt a little better each day, and today, got the IV infusion that’s supposed to help keep symptoms down, too. (We’ve both had the two vaccine shots.) So, it’s looking hopeful for his case to be mild, and I’m still hoping I won’t catch it at all. Thanks for your well wishes. It’s a scary thing to go through, but I really am starting to think he’s going to be fine. I’m doing updates over on The Write Stuff and have been very encouraged by the responses both on the blog and via email. 🙂 Hugs back atcha! ❤

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Phew, I’m glad Mark’s already seeing improvement. The vaccine should help and I’ve heard good things about the infusion. Take good care of yourself.

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  2. A most fantabulous review for Diana’s latest book Deb. Your review makes me have to push up this book I look forward to reading, on my Kindle. Congrats to Diana, and no doubts you loved it. ❤

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    1. It fairly carried me along, there was no swimming against the tide 😉

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      1. Lol. 🙂

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    2. Thanks for the kind comment, Debby. Whenever you get to it, I hope you enjoy the story. Deborah’s review gave me a giant smile. What a treat. Have a restful day, my friend. Hugs.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thanks Diana. And I’m already hooked on it! ❤

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      2. Yay! (Rubs hands together with wicked glee). 😀

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      3. 🙂 🙂

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  3. Thank you so much for the wonderful review, Deborah, and for find the time between a long list of to-do items. You make me tired just reading about them! I’m thrilled that you enjoyed the book and honored by your review. You made my day. Happy Writing and have an amazingly productive week. ❤ Hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Delighted to have made your day – nothing quite like a great review, is there? And thanks, I’m trying to keep up with it all and catch some of the Olympics on TV as well!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh yeah… the Olympics too! Ha ha. Yes, nothing like a wonderful review. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  4. -and I love the cover image!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for stopping by Deborah’s to read her kind review. And I’m glad you like the cover! Sometimes I tell people I wrote the book just so I could use that cover. lol

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh, I’ll add this book on Goodreads now! Thanks!


    1. Thanks for taking a look at my review, it’s a great book!


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