Spring has sprung! #Garden #dogs

We’ve had a few really nice days of sunshine and no wind here in the Highlands.

I still laugh that so many people asked my why I wanted to move up here, because the weather was so awful. Well guess what, I think with global warming, I moved north at exactly the right time! England seems to be continually wet, or baking hot, neither of which appeal to me. Yes, we get a fair bit of snow in winter, but when you know its coming, and you are prepared for it, it makes for a nice little break from routine. And offers plenty of writing time.

I acclimated pretty quickly to the colder climate when I moved up here, and when temperatures hit 16 Celcius today (that’s 60, for those of you working in Farenheit) along with the sunshine, it felt a good deal warmer. I appreciate that’s not warm for many of you, but for us, its blissful.

And so, the garden is underway. I have cleared and fertilized the first of the big beds, which is sprouting bulbs apace.

I’m halfway through the second, bigger bed, and hoping for more good weather.

I also thought it was about time to introduce you all to the most recent addition to our dog pack, now 8 strong.

Those of you who have followed me for a while will know that we take in rescue dogs with behavioural issues. Oh, how we wish we could take more, but we’d decided it was time to start allowing the pack to dwindle as they aged (at peak, there were 12), and we were comfortable with 7, until a friend asked us if we could find a home for one who had been through 12 homes in 12 months.

My answer? Well, what’s another one?

Enter Mick, a Galgo (Spanish hunting dog, rather like a more substantial greyhound). Yes, he has several issues, but none that were a problem with our set up.

This was when he arrived – we hadn’t realised at that point, that he was on tranquilisers!

Just in case you think from this photo that he doesn’t look like so large a dog, here’s one from a few days later…

That’s a big chair, believe me!

One of his problems is that because he has been used as a hunter, he doesn’t walk on a leash, and he’s too big to argue with! Several of our others don’t either, so aside from the huge, very well-fenced garden, we take them to the local secure dog park, where they can run in total safety. Marvellous inventions, dog parks!

And here is Mick, enjoying his first visit to the dog park.

Isn’t that lovely to see? We are so happy we could take him, and he’s integrated with the pack really fast.

I’ve also been busy with work recently, so writing has been on hold, but hopefully back to it in the next few days. Unless it’s sunny, of course….


  1. How wonderful to see Mick run free at the dog park. Thanks for taking him in. They are such wonderful dogs when they are in the right environment. He has lucked out!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. He just needed the right home set up, and we are delighted to be able to offer just that. He’s a lovely addition, even though it has put my other Galgo’s nose out of joint!

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  2. I love that Mick made a friend so fast!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. He’s really good with other dogs, which was an important consideration considering how many we have!

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  3. No doubts those are happy dogs with you. So great you have the space – and the heart. Loved the mini clip. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m very grateful we have the space, I always dreamed of owning a place like this, and it came true! Not without trials along the way, but we got there in the end ❤️🏡

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I remember your journey to getting there. ❤

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