Tag Archives: Book Fair

The Kilted Scribblers indie book fair at Cromarty, #ScottishHighlands #IndiePublishing

Saturday was the first in-person literary event I’ve been involved with since before Covid, and consequently, since I made my move north to live full-time in the Scottish Highlands. The Kilted Scribblers (gotta love that name!) are a new group, formed by a couple of ladies who live near me (one in the same village), […]

#Highlands #BookFair, & changes in book lengths

I’m one of the Scribblers! If you live anywhere within range, I’d love it if you’d pop in and say ‘hi!’ Here’s some background to the Scribblers: “The Kilted Scribblers, set up by V.J. Cooper Writer, and Claire Walsh Author, who met online, only to discover they both live in the Highlands of Scotland.  Kilted […]