When reviews really matter…

I wish I’d written this post myself…

Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

Image source reddit.com

 “Bilbo Baggins was a Hobbit who lived in his Hobbit hole and never went for adventures, at last Gandalf the wizard and his Dwarves persuaded him to go. He had a very exiting (sic) time fighting goblins and wargs. At last they get to the lonely mountain; Smaug, the dragon who guards it is killed and after a terrific battle with the goblins he returned home — rich! This book, with the help of maps, does not need any illustrations it is good and should appeal to all children between the ages of 5 and 9.” Rayner Unwin’s review of The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien

In 1936 a ten year old boy was given a book by his father. This was not just any book, nor just any boy… Rayner Unwin was the son of Sir Stanley Unwin, founder of the publishing firm George Allen…

View original post 720 more words


  1. Thank you, Deborah, for the reblog.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for writing the article – saves me from having to do it!


      1. That’s one way of looking at it 😀


  2. Nice article, Sue.
    The ‘Hobbit’ story shines an important light on this subject.
    To you and everyone that is prolific in their review writing, you are owed a tremendous debt.

    I am uncomfortable with being critical. I left a critical comment {not mean at all!} on a someone else’s writing one time and immediately felt terrible. Then I found myself saying nice things about books, when I did not mean it. Together, these things caused me to back off on leaving reviews lately. I need to dust myself off and get back on the wagon helping out fellow writers.

    Thank you, Deborah, for posting.

    Happy Review Writing everybody!
    Your pal,


    1. I do understand your reluctance to review, Icky. I don’t leave any really negative ones, largely because I also don’t like being critical. Having said that, I feel if you can leave helpful comments on what might have turned a book from okay into awesome, most authors are happy to learn.
      If I feel I can’t give 3 stars or above, I simply don’t review. I might email the author and ask if they’d like my comments in private, which so far, they have, although I’m sure I will offend someone one day. It does leave my reviewing history looking a little skewed, as I only leave positive reviews, but somehow I’m happier with that than damning someone who might retaliate – always a risk for an author.


  3. What a fantastic article! 🙂 So sharing!


    1. It is, isn’t it. So eloquently put.

      Liked by 1 person

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